Kommunity Corner interviews BCIT Marketing Head Joe Freeburn

Today we sit down with Joe Freeburn, Program Head, Marketing Communications program at BCIT


KC: Let's start off with the essentials. What’s the benefit to a small business in creating a strong local brand?  

JF: A strong brand is even more important in the digital age we live in.  A brand today has to be fluid and dynamic.  Your customers engage with your brand in ways that were not available a few years ago.  As the keeper of the brand you cannot directly control the conversation about your brand – you try to engage consumers in a positive, value added manner.  

KC: What are some examples of great Canadian brands that inspired you and that you know didn’t have large marketing budgets?  

JF: I watch a number of online companies that have either started as e-commerce and then opened brick and mortar stores such as Indochino, Frank & Oak and small start ups like Crocodile Pear.

KC: What types of media should small businesses be looking at? 

JF: That depends on the budget you have – and most small businesses starting out usually are more focused on the business than on the marketing or media.  I think the best strategy is to look for strategic partnerships with similar size businesses where you could both benefit each other.

At the Frank & Oak in Vancouver they have Crocodile Pear fresh pressed juice available to purchase – this aligns both brands in a positive manner in the minds of the customers.  Small businesses have to engage in social media, but in a strategic manner.  Of course social media is relatively inexpensive to get started – but you need a strategy and you need to be on top of it daily or weekly.  Starting a Facebook page or a twitter account for your business and then not updating is regularly could be more detrimental than not having one at all.

KC: What is earned media?  

JF: I guess we could call it free publicity – you get mentions or shares – but have not had to directly pay for it like a newspaper ad.  That is not to say that you did not pay to organize an event or an activity that then garnered earned media.  Earned media is not something that the brand has complete control over and cannot control the message.

KC: What was the best creative thing you’ve seen that small businesses could learn from/adapt/use/mimic?

JF: Creating content that adds value to your clients that does not have a hard sell - like local restaurants sharing drink recipes.

KC:  Thanks for your time Joe!